Blurry view of a field through a rain soaked screen

The Path (10)

Leo Edmiston-Cyr

The first harvest of 2023

I am super happy that I somehow took the herb dryer from idea to a real, working prototype in just a few days. It needs some refinement to really dry plants to completion for packaging. However, it is complete enough for a test. It was…

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Leo Edmiston-Cyr

How will I dry herbs - Part III

Now came the exciting part -- what the fresh picked herbs will rest on while drying... This wasn't easy because I don't have any obvious choices like stainless hardware cloth nor nylon mesh like some dryers use. I could spend money on some (budget permitting)…

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Leo Edmiston-Cyr

How will I dry herbs - part II

Those red clover and american plantain are inspiring me to keep going right now. I see a small harvest of these herbs as a great opportunity to begin experimenting with the harvesting and drying process. In my imagination, I'm working my way from a mental…

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Leo Edmiston-Cyr

How will I dry herbs?

In between raven calls, which always make me stop and observe, I was walking around the plantings, weeds, and wild things. I've noticed a number of medicinal herbs which are ready for harvest -- Red clover (trifolium pratense) and American plantain (plantago rugelii). I've cleaned…

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Leo Edmiston-Cyr

Finding the path

In this series titled "The Path," I'll be writing about ways I approach nurturing some land to organize an ecosystem to support medicinal herbs and a little food. On one hand, I'd like to produce a lot of herbs and share them widely and make…

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