Blurry view of a field through a rain soaked screen

The Path (10)

Leo Edmiston-Cyr

Running behind or...

Or, some more time away and good weather which means more outdoor play and lots of other farm related work to do which means less time for writing and posting. Recently, I've been catching up publishing posts I started a month or more ago. Today,…

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Leo Edmiston-Cyr

Harvest ready?

Walking around the field there are so many, many plants doing their own thing. I am filled with a sense of belonging, engagement, and respect for their contribution to my life. It is so diverse in height, leaves, flowers, stems, and colors. It is shocking…

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Leo Edmiston-Cyr

Adapting to the weather

Wow, this has been a wet spring-summer. Here is the view from my window July 16th... and most days since... sometime in May. Here is a little chatter in the media about our recent weather: That poses lots of challenges with our short growing season.

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