Blurry view of a field through a rain soaked screen

How will I dry herbs?

In between raven calls, which always make me stop and observe, I was walking around the plantings, weeds, and wild things.  I've noticed a number of medicinal herbs which are ready for harvest -- Red clover (trifolium pratense) and American plantain (plantago rugelii).  I've cleaned out a small, mostly enclosed stall in the barn which will hold a home made herb drying rack.

Looking at that room I can think big -- seal the outside, insulate, build a raised floor, and finish the inside to house shelves and a climate control system.  Or, I can think of it as a secure room to hold an enclosed herb drying rack that I build.

Keeping true to my vision to keep it simple, I will do the latter -- use the room close to as-is.  It will keep water and animals out, has electricity, and a new roof I put on last year.  The only improvement it needs besides cleaning it out, is a heavy piece of plastic laid on the floor to act as a vapor barrier to keep the soil moisture out.

Here's how it looks, ready for the herb drying rack

(The insulated box holds some solar electric charging equipment)

Barn stall with clear plastic vapor barrier on floor with sun showing through the rough sawed planks